
About Me..

My photo background..

I have always had a great interest in photography and have attended two full-time photography courses. The first course, which lasted for a year, was during the analogue era, and I learned a lot about darkroom work. At the time, I mostly photographed stationary subjects with my Hasselblad medium format camera. 

The later photography course (also one year long) focused most on the aesthetic values ​​in the images, and not so much of the technique behind them.


In recent years, I have been active in 'Vellinge Fotoklubb (VFK)'. I have held several courses in advanced camera settings, macrophotography, mirrorless vs. DSLR cameras, etc. 

I had previously also been a board member of VFK.


I have a Facebook group called 'Skånska Naturfotograferna' where only active wildlife photographers and bird watchers are members. The group members are very productive, and it is a great pleasure to see their posts every day.

My animal background..

Throughout my whole upbringing, my big interests were horses and horse show jumping. Later, I spend a lot of time participating at dog shows in north Europe and as a dog breeder. After some very hectic years I decided to stop competing, and instead I started breeding tortoises and parrots. Nowadays, I have no animal breeding and spend most of my free time in the nature with my camera.

Today, I am active in 'Skånes Ornitologiska Förening (SkOF)' which is a large association in south Sweden that works to promote the research and protection of birds and their habitat, as well as to arouse and maintain the public's interest in birdwatching, bird life and nature.
I'm a board member, and also member of the management team for 'Falsterbo Fågelstation' (which is included in SkOF).


Other info..

I live in Ljunghusen (south Sweden).

I work as a Quality Coordinator at a packaging company.

Mechanical Owls..

My mechanical owls..

As you might have notice I like owls. I also like create and build things with my hands. From the beginning I'm a dental technician, and sometimes I get "abstinence" and must do something. My latest project is to build small mechanical owls that "fly" when you turn the crank.

Misc info..

My design interest..

I have always had a great interest in design and after a trip to Niagara Falls in 2003,

I designed the 'Niagara' chair. It took almost two years before it was finished, but in 2005 I participated at the Denmark Furniture Fair in a talent stand with good results. Unfortunately, other things in life came in between to continue my furniture design career.

The chair is handmade of American cherry wood, aluminium pipes and a seat in calf leather.